Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting in Front of Rick Perry from Unified Patriots

While I don't agree with every sentiment in the Unified Patriots opinion piece, it does merit sharing. I do not like many of Governor Perry's actions, re:  illegal immigration. I am in total agreement with the author's over-arching theme that our main goal MUST be to insure that Obama is not reelected next year. Given the current GOP choices, I believe Perry provides the best opportunity to take back the White House.

Partial Excerpt from Unified Patriots:
  'If we have ever needed someone who is unafraid of using the words “God” and “American exceptionalism” in the same sentence at a time when this country faces her worst moments in history, her most oppressive drought of leadership, and her lowest moments of disregard and disrespect from her neighbors, surely we need him now

Click here for full article.

1 comment:

  1. I too like a lot of things about Rick Perry but, share the concerns about his position on immigration.

    I can't seem to trust Roomney, something about him that I can't put my finger on says phoney.

    The two ladies Bachman and Palin seem to stick their foot in their mouths as often as not and yes I realize Palin has not declared yet.

    Still thinking about who I will support.
