Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Patriots! It's time to saddle up again and fight the good fight against an overgrown government that still isn't listening!

Make no mistake - this fight to cut spending is just as important as our fight against Obamacare! Budgets, spending, and debt may not feel as personal as health care, but it is! We've seen how personal it's gotten in Greece, and we know what happens when a nation crumbles under the weight of its bureaucracy.

Because we simply can't afford to be making trips to DC to rally around the Capitol, Tea Party Patriots is hosting a weeklong Virtual Rally. Every day, from Tuesday through Friday, you will find new action items and all of the information and materials you will need to get the job done.

Think about this: To pay for the overspending that government has already overspent, $45,000 in debt is now strapped to the back of each child born in America. To pay for the overspending that government has committed to overspend in the future, but has yet made no provision to pay for, each American household is now on the hook for $528,000.

Believe us, this is personal. Overspending leads directly to fewer jobs. That's real personal.

ACTION ITEMS: Blue Dog Democrats
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1. Call Blue Dog Democrats today. You can call just one or all of them. It's up to you.
a. Click here for the list and phone numbers. Bonus: Post on their Facebook walls if you have time!
b. Click here for a sample phone script. Feel free to use it as is, edit it, or make up your own!
2. Sign our No Debt Increase petition. Click here to sign the petition.
3. Forward these action items, materials, and petition to every person you know that cares about this country by sending them a link to this page.
4. Post the link to this page on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Bonus: Use the hashtag #stopthebleeding when you tweet about this!

Check every day this week for new action items. And thank you. It is your efforts that will make the difference between hope and despair; success and failure. Go get 'em Patriots!